My Talks


Sridhar, V. Invited panelist in the session on “Digital classrooms: A leadership persepective” in the Webinar on Australia India InnovEd Forum series, 4 July 2024. 

Sridhar, V. Invited panelist in the session on “Policy and Regulatory aspects of Rural Connectivity” in the IEEE Standards Association workshop on “Rural Connectivity: The key enabler for Sustainable Development Goals”. Banaglore, India. 1 March 2024. 

Sridhar, V. Presented paper on “6G: Technologym Standards and Regulation” at the Webinar on “6G Technology, Standards, Vulnerabilities and Risks” organized by UQ Cyber, University of Queensland, Australia, 24 Feb 2024. 

Sridhar, V. Gave a talk on “Regulate or not: OTT versus telecom services”. Institute for Information Policy, Pennsylvania State University, U.S. 17 July 2023. 


Sridhar, V. Presented paper titled “Spectrum Management in 5G and Beyond Networks” in the panel on “Regulatory innovations for performance management in the Digital Economy” at the International Conference on innovations in public performance management: Lessons for policy makers, 30 June 2023, New Delhi. 


Invited panelist for the session on “Policy and Regulatory Issues” at the IEEE Connecting the Unconnected Summit 2022, 3 November 2022 (Virtual). 

Invited moderator for the session on “Understanding 6G, Standards, and Related Issues and Concerns” at the International Conference on Ethical 6G, 17th August 2022, New Delhi. 

Invited Research Seminar on “Data Localization Regulations and their impact on Digital Trade”. Institute for Information Policy and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) Consortium, Penn State University, USA. 22 April 2022. 

Invited Research Seminar on “Gig worker interaction in online labor markets”. USC Annenberg Research Seminar. Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southen California, USA. 18 April 2022. 

Invited panelist in the session on “The rise of virtual governments” in the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) Special Issue Symposium on “Governing the Digital Space”. University of California Los Angeles, U.S.A. 15 April 2022.


Moderated the session on “Fraud Frontiers: Rising digital footprints and fraud possibilities”. In NASSCOM-DSCI Annual Information Security Summit 2021. 17 December 2021. 

Invited talk on "Telecom Relief Package" at the ITU Asia Pacific Telecommunications forum (ITU-APT) Foundation of India. 8 October 2020. 

Coordinated (with Balaji Parthasarthy and Preeti Mudliar) and Presented at the Webinar on “Online and Offline Livelihoods: An analysis of the Gig Economy”. IIIT Bangalore. 23 Sep 2021. 

Talk on “Analysis of radio spectrum pricing for commercial mobile services: A cross country study”. IIIT Bangalore Samvaad Series. 13 September 2021. 

Invited speaker on “Regulatory Impact Assessment of the National AI Market Place (NAIM) of India. In the Ethics in AI Talk Series. Organized by IIIT Bangalore, IIT Jodhpur and Facebook. 12 August 2021.

Invited speaker at the F- Tech 2.0 Confluence of emerging technologies organized  by Sterlite Invited speaker on “Foundational Digital IDs: Country Experiences” in the IEEE 2021 Virtual Conference on Norbert Wiener of the 21st Century pre-conference workshop of the IEEE SA Digital Inclusion, Identity, Trust and Agency (InDIITA). 22 July 2021

Research seminar titled “Data Localization Regulations: Impact on Digital Trade”. Internet Governance Lab, American University, Washington DC on 28 Jun 2021.

Research seminar titled “Data Localization Regulations: Impact on Digital Trade”. Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California, U.S. 28 May 2021.

Invited speaker for the session on “Exploring Markets and Regulation for Non-Personal Data” at the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), Bangalore Chapter. 17 Mar 2021.

Invited panelist in the session on “Policy design in digital markets: Harnessing technology for economic development”, in the national conference/ webinar on Economics of Competition Law”. 5 March 2021.

Invited talk titled “Cyber Security Governance and Laws”, IIT Madras Cyber Warrior Programme. 28 Feb 2021.

Invited talk titled “Economics of Privacy”. GITAM University, Hyderabad, 19 Feb 2021.

Invited moderator and panelist at the Panel session titled “Economics and Markets for Non Personal Data” in the Series on Non Personal Data for Public Good, organized by IIT Bombay, Indian Institute of Science and National Law School of India University. 15 Jan 2021. Invited moderator and panelist at the Panel session titled “Economics and Markets for Non Personal Data” in the Series on Non Personal Data for Public Good, organized by IIT Bombay, Indian Institute of Science and National Law School of India University. 15 Jan 2021.

Technologies on “Application of 5-G Technologies in Emerging Business Environment”, 28 Nov 2020.

Invited panelist in the Webinar on "Does your COVID-19 tracing app follow you for ever?". IEEE Standard Association - Digital Inclusion, Identity, Trust and Agency (DIITA). 9 Jul 2020.  

Invited panelist in the Webinar on "Frauds in the time of COVID-19 - Phishing, payment frauds and dark web activities". Best Practices Meet 2020, Data Security Council of India (DSCI). 8 Jul 2020.  

Invited panelist in the Webinar on "The explosion of online higher education in India during the COVID - 19 Pandemic". Observer Research Foundation. 13 May 2020. 

Talk on authored book on “Emerging ICT Policies and Regulations: Roadmap to Digital Economies” at Carnegie India (5 Feb 2020), Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (29 Feb 2020).

Invited panelist for the session titled “New Age Competition & Regulatory Challenges and the Way Forward”. In the workshop on “Digital Economy – Hitting the reset button on competition and regulatory governance”. Organized by Consumer Unity Trust & Society. New Delhi. 5 Feb 2020. 

Invited speaker on “Overview of Cyber Security in the Geo-spatial domain”, International Workshop on Advanced Spatial Analytics and Deep Learning for Geospatial Applications. Bengaluru, 20-31 January 2020.

Invited speaker on “Overview of Cyber Security in the Geo-spatial domain”, International Workshop on Advanced Spatial Analytics and Deep Learning for Geospatial Applications. Bengaluru, 20-31 January 2020.

Research Seminar on “Privacy Taxonomy and Related Regulations” at the Manipal Institute of Management, Manipal. 30 November 2019.

Invited talks on “Issues related to competition, licensing and regulation in Telecommunications” and “Approaches to spectrum valuation and pricing” at the TRAI-ASEAN Training Programme on “Capacity Building and Sharing of Best Practices in Policy, Regulation and Development”, New Delhi, 18-22 November 2019. 

Invited Key Note on “The Six Pillars of Cyber Security: From Protection to Governance”. In the XII National Cyber Defense Summit. Bengaluru, India. 18-19 Oct 2019.

Invited Key Note on “Cyber Security Strategy for the state of Karnataka”. In the Workshop on Cyber Privacy and Security Engineering. Karnataka Cyber Security Centre of Excellence Workshop. Bengaluru, India. 12 Oct 2019.

Invited panelist on “Communications Panel: Rethinking Existing Licensing Frameworks and New Challenges” at the 2019 International Asia Conference. Bengaluru, India. 30 Jan-1 Feb, 2019.

Invited talk on “ICT Policies and Regulation in India”. Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 20 Dec 2018. 

Invited talk on “Digital Platforms: Characteristics, and Regulatory Challenges” at the TRAI Seminar on “Digital Economy”, Bangalore, 29 November 2018.

Invited panelist in the session on “Synergy between Make In India, Invest India, Start-up India, Skill India and FDI in the sector-Challenges and opportunities” in the seminar on "FDI in Telecom Sector: The Way Ahead" organized by the Department of Telecommunications, GoI. 25 September 2018. 

Talk on “ICT Policies and Regulation: Is India different from other countries?”.Internet Governance Lab, School of International Service, American University, Washington DC, USA, 13 July 2018. 

Invited Talk on World Telecommunications and Information Society Day at the Centre for Development of Telecommunications (C-DOT) and Bhatath Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) Bangalore Telecom District, 17 May 2018. 

Invited talk on “Spectrum allocation challaneges for 5G deployment in India”. IEEE CONNECT 2018. Bangalore, 16-17 Mar 2018. 

Invited talk on “Big Data and its implications”. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) conference on Big Data Analysis and Cyber Security. Bangalore. 23 Feb 2018. 

Invited Talk on “Spectrum Management in India: Challenges and Opportunities”. Nokia Technologies “Engineers’ Day”. Bangalore, 25 Sep 2017.

Invited talk on “Privacy and Data Protection: A Wake-up call for the Industry”. Bangalore Chamber of Industry & Commerce. Bangalore. 15 Sep 2017. 

Invited panelist for the session on "Definition of Privacy" in the "IT& Cyber Security Summit" organized by the International Association of Privacy Professionals, Bangalore, 31 Aug 2017.

Invited session on “Spectrum Management: The Regulatory and Policy challenges”, at the Workshop on Telecom Policy and Regulation for the officials of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,  20 October 2016.

Presentation of invited paper titled “Unlicensed spectrum: Implications for spectrum policy and financing” at the National seminar on “ICT emerging technologies and USOF for Digital India”, National Institute of Communication Finance, Ministry of Communications & IT, Government of India, 28 -29 July 2016, New Delhi .

Panelist in the session on “Data Privacy”, Organized by Data Security Council of India (DSCI) Bengaluru Chapter, Bangalore, 28 January 2016.

Panelist in the session on “ Network Neutrality Regulation Across South Asia: A Roundtable on Aspects of Differential Pricing', Organized by Observer Research Foundation, IT for Change and the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, 22 January 2016.

Research seminar on “Techno Economics of Spectrum: Case of India”, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai, 20 January 2016. 

Panelist in the session on "Net Neutrality: Is it Good, Bad or Confusing for the Telecom Industry", ), 8th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) 2016, Bangalore, 7 January 2016.

Panelist in the session on “The Future of the Web in India”, Web Science India Endowment launch event, IIIT-B, 30 Sep 2015. 

Panelist in the workshop on “Last mile access to NOFN”, organized by IT for Change, New Delhi, 5 Sep 2015.

Talk on “Telecom policy in India: An analytical approach” at the Indian Institute of Management Indore, 16 July 2015.

Invited talk on “Net Neutrality” (Lecture No: 2636), organized by The Bangalore Science Forum, National College, Bangalore, India, 3 June 2015.

Invited panelist in the session titled “Net Neutrality” at the 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Adhoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2015), IIT Bombay, 25-29 May 2015.    

Invited talk titled “Telecom policy in India:  An analytical approach”, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India, 25 May 2015.

Invited talk titled “Telecom reforms in India: A chequered path”, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, 11 May 2015.

Invited paper and workshop titled “Flexible Spectrum Management”, SITM-TEC International Research Conference. Pune, India, 16-17 January 2015.

Invited Key Note address titled “Techno-Economics of Communication Networks: A Supply-Demand Perspective”, Seventh International Conference on Communication Networks (ICCN) 2013, Bangalore, India, 9-11 August, 2013.

Keynote speech at the Workshop: Evolution of Mobile Ecosystems: Conflicts between Global and Local: in the Session on: Consumer Needs, Public Policies and Business Issues, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 46, 7-10 January 2013, Maui, Hawaii, USA.

Net Neutrality: The Supply-Demand Perspective. Part of Turing 100 Lecture Series at Persistent Systems, 8 Sep 2012, Pune, India. 

Two Sided Platforms, Cross Side Network Effects, Net Neutrality and Regulatory Impact. Competition Commission of India, 27 Apr 2012.