Newspaper Articles
Sridhar, V. (10 Jan 2025). Is SPAM being reined in. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and KR Mahaadevan. Why network issues persist in Indian telecom. Business Line. 24 October 2024.
Sridhar, V. State of the Economy. Are increased mobile tariffs a barrier to entry for small businesses in India?. Hindu InFocus Podcast. 18 July 2024.
Sridhar, V. and KR Mahaadevan. Lessons from spectrum auction. Business Line. 4 July 2024.
Sridhar, V. and KR Mahaadevan. Issues raised by spectrum auction. Business Line. 4 June 2024.
Sridhar, V. India moving towards “broadband for all”. Business Line. 2 May 2024.
Sachdev. Reijul., Sridhar, V. Whistleblower as a digital regulator? Business Line. 12 Mar 2024.
Sridhar, V. Are our digital platforms fragile? Business Line. 29 Mar 2024.
Sridhar, V., Upreti, Arvind. Dealing with AI effects on labour. Business Line. 26 Jan 2024.
Sridhar, V. Improving Wi-Fi penetration in India. Business Line. 29 Nov 2023.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, Rohit., Kedia, Mansi. Netflex your OTT muscles. Economic Times. 14 Aug 2023.
Kala Seetharam Sridhar, Sridhar, V. (2 Aug 2023). The US is sliding, India is rising. Hindu Business Line.
Kala Seetharam Sridhar, Sridhar, V. (8 April 2023). Why social science research matters more. Hindu Business Line
Sridhar, Kala Seetharam., Sridhar, V. (17 Feb 2023). Can Chatbots help fix potholes, segregate city waste? Times of India.
Sridhar, V. (9 December 2022). What are the concerns around 5G services and the functioning of Altimeter. The Hindu In Focus podcast.
Sridhar, V. (12 October 2022). Expand the Telecom Bill’s Scope. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (September 2022). Resurrecting data regulation in India. East Asia Forum, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University.
Sridhar, V., Shathir Hussain Sheik, Rohit Prasad. (1 Aug 2022). 5G Auction: Who is the winner?. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (27 July 2022). A path to global connectivity. The Hindu.
Sridhar, V. (21 July 2022). Fixing Appropriate Reserve Prices for 5G Radio Spectrum. Economic & Political Weekly.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, Rohit. (12 July 2022). Neutral hosts will be a game changer in 5G era. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., Kokkinen, Heikki. (4 July 2022). Prerequisites for dynamic spectrum access. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, Rohit. (22 June 2022). Analysing spectrum auction. Hindu.
Prasad, Rohit., Sridhar, V. (16 June 2022). Split circles, cut the knot. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V. (30 May 2022). “Caller ID” raises privacy, security questions. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., Kala Seetharam Sridhar (18 May 2022). Why the elderly need to be digitally connected? Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (4 May 2022). Musk acquires Twitter | A buyout that could make a public square private. Hindu.
Sridhar, V. (26 Apr 2022). Are spectrum reserve prices too high? Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (20 Apr 2022). Will TRAI’s latest recommendation benefit the industry? The Hindu In Focus Podcast.
Sridhar, V. (5 Apr 2022). Can SAT phones make it commercially? Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (1 Mar 2022). Reporting cyber attacks. The Hindu.
Sridhar, V. (11 Feb 2022). Creating a monopoly or healthy competition. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (12 Jan 2022). Phone-a-friend to VI's help. Economic Times.
Prasad, Rohit, Sridhar, V. (25 Nov 2021). A unified regulatory framework. The Hindu.
Sridhar, V. (16 Nov 2021). The bumpy road to 5G rollout in India. East Asia Forum, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, Rohit. (21 Sep 2021). Telecom industry gets a timely lifeline. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (August 2021). Together we can go digital. Voice & Data. 50-51.
Sridhar, V. (29 Jan 2021). Global antitrust and the challenge for the Big Tech. Hindu.
Sridhar, V. (9 Jan 2021). Imperfect markets: On whether Southasia’s digital space should be regulated. Himal Southasian.
Sridhar, V. (31 December 2020). What to look for in 2021: Ten trends in ICTs. YOURSTORY.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, Rohit. (22 Dec 2020). Key steps to get this spectrum auction right. The Hindu.
Sridhar, V., Deep Inder Mohan and Arjun Pilikudale. (8 Dec 2020). Telemedicine: Bane or Bliss?. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (4 Dec 2020). Fast forward to 4G: Covid has made the upgrade from 2G a necessity. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (27 Oct 2020). The V-band conundrum. Financial Express.
Sridhar, Kala., Sridhar, V. (21 Oct 2020). A Nobel reward for auction designers. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V., Shrisha Rao. (10 Aug 2020). Need for a regulatory framework for the National AI Marketplace. India AI.
Sridhar, V. (31 Jul 2020). Should the government go easy on the telecom sector?. Hindu.
Sridhar, V. (17 Jul 2020). Beyond the social network. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V. (15 Jul 2020). Data Nationalism: What is in the offing?. Financial Express.
Maheshwari, D., and Sridhar, V. (26 Jun 2020). Monitoring the new communication space. Hindu Business Line.
Prasad, R., Maheshwari, D. & Sridhar, V. (11 Jun 2020). 5G Auctions must realise Technology, Market Realities. Hindu Business Line.
Maheshwari, D. & Sridhar, V. (9 Jun 2020). Broadband, broad-based. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (14 May 2020). For the health of privacy. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., Mehta, Udai & Kumar, Ujjwal. (29 Apr 2020). The India Super App: here are the broader implications of the Facebook-Reliance Jio deal. YourStory.
Sridhar, V. (23 Apr 2020). India’s tech policy needs a refresh. East Asia Forum, Australian National University.
Sridhar, V. (20 Apr 2020). How to safeguard digital privacy in Covid-19 times. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V. Hämmäinen, H. (9 Apr 2020). Road to 5G: Call for a better future. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (25 Mar 2020). Fighting the Covid pandemic digitally. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Rohit Prasad. (29 Jan 2020). Budget should look in to Telecom crisis. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Mehta, Uday. (2 Jan 2020). Digital giants need a code of conduct. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., Badrinarayan M, and Girish K. (17 Dec 2019) How to improve data speeds. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (30 Oct 2019). High levies set to strangle telecom sector. Business Line.
Sridhar V. (4 Nov 2019). Keeping digital giants in check. Extract of book titled “Sridhar, V. (2019). Emerging ICT Polices and Regulations: Roadmap to Digital Economies”. Springer Nature.
Sidharth Narayan, and Sridhar, V. (30 Oct 2019). Oil or Water. Financial Express.
Mohammed, Munir and Sridhar, V. (12 Jul 2019). The future of Digital Identity. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (17 May 2019). Standards for Ethical, Trustworthy Design. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Data, Ajay. (20 Apr 2019). Breaking the Internet language barrier. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (16 Apr 2019). E-Commerce policy needs to be specific. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. and Hammainen, H. (21 Mar 2019). A cautionary note on spectrum auctions. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (27 Feb 2019). Bringing the spring back in telecom’s step. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (February 2019). Net Neutrality: Contradicting postures in the U.S. and India. CUTS International Washington DC Centre Policy Note #8.
Raja, Kartik., and Sridhar, V. (27 Dec 2018). To regulate OTTs or not. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (5 Nov 2018). Public sector Telcos shouldn't be sidelined. Business Line.
Ramachandran, T.V., Kartik Raja and Sridhar, V. (9 Oct 2018). Confusing storage over control? Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (September 2018). EU GDPR: Privacy matters. Advanced Computing & Communications, Vol: 2, Issue 3.
Sridhar, V. (17 Sep 2018). Where is Indian E-Comm headed? Financial Chronicle.
Sridhar, Kala., Sridhar, V. (5 Sep 2018). Space up, in the Airbnb. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V., and Raja, Kartik. (21 Aug 2018). Monitoring Net Neutrality: a challenge. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (11 Jul 2018). V-Band and the policy dilemma. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (26 Jun 2018). The human touch. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (16 Jun 2018). How digitisation can drive growth in India. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (26 May 2018). EU GDPR and its effect on the Internet. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (16 May 2018). Artificial Intelligence for all. Financial Chronicle.
Singh, Rohit, and Sridhar, V. (8 May 2018). “Transparency in Telecom services“. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. ( 9 Apr 2018). What Facebook leakage means. Financial Chronicle.
Sridhar, V. and T.K. Srikanth. (30 Mar 2018). Regulating new-age tech firms. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. and Motepalli, Shashank. (9 Mar 2018). Predicting the value of Bitcoin. Live Mint.
Sridhar, V. (8 Mar 2018). Rethinking handset bundling. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (15 Feb 2018). Google needs to act responsibly and transparently. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V. (5 Feb 2018). Apex body for spectrum management is a must. Financial Chronicle.
Sridhar, V., T.K. Srikanth. (26 Jan 2018). As Aadhaar project enters a critical year, here are the worries that still remain. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V. (January 2018). Top 5 areas to watch out for in 2018.
Senthilkumar, Chinnu, Raja, Karthik, and V. Sridhar. (8 Dec 2017). Telecom Solutions: How India can become a global leader. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. Interview on Net Neutrailty. (5 Dec 2017). Deccan Chronicle.
Sridhar, V. Mehta, Uday. Singh, Rohit. (30 Oct 2017). Need to address Quality of Service issues. Mint.
Sridhar, V. and Prasad, Rohit. (11 Oct 2017). Is it really the time for 5G?. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (22 Sep 2017). Mobile charging caveats. Economic Times.
Sridhar, Kala Seetharam., and Sridhar, V. (19 August 2017) Digits before going digital. Economic Times.
Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (11 July 2017). The puzzle of Telecom Regulation. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Sridhar, Kala. (8 July 2017). Give us your huddled young sparks. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V., and Prasad, R. (12 June 2017). Why are telecom firms in the doldrums?. Mint.
Sridhar, V. (19 May 2017). Big data’s big governance impact. Mint.
Sridhar, V., and Srikanth, T.K. (4 May 2017). Aadhaar for security. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Prasad, R. (22 Mar 2017). Now to take that spectral leap. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V. (9 February 2017). Is there more to start-ups than valuations? Financial Express.
Podder, Sanjay, and Sridhar, V. (24 January 2017). Technology driving India’s SDG pursuit. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Srikanth, T.K. (December 2016). 2017 outlook: the Top Five technology and business trends for India. YourStory.
Sridhar, V. (15 December 2016). The changing face of IT. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., Sagan, Krunal. (19 October 2016). Technology to the assistance of the flipped classroom model. Live Mint.
Sridhar, V. (15 October 2016). Spectrum bid 2016: A cautionary note. Deccan Herald.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, R. (14 September 2016). New kid on the block. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (September 2016). Telcos Set to Battle at India Spectrum Auction 2016. Voice & Data.
Panda, Saurav., Sridhar, V. (11 August 2016). WebRTC: Niche Tech empowers developers. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, R. (7 July 2016). Net neutrality demand lacks Indian context. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (30 June 2016). Time for Netizens to Say Yes, ICANN. Economic Times.
Prasad, Rohit., Sridhar, V. (9 June 2016). When competition marries cooperation. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (26 May 2016). Make IT for India. live Mint
Mishra, R. Sridhar, V. (26 May 2016). Business value of Wi-Fi. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., Srikanth, T.K. (13 April 2016). Regulating the sharing economy. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (28 March 2016). Telcos, forget past and prepare to embrace 5G. Deccan Herald.
Kumar, Krishna., Sridhar, V. (21 March 2016). Giving BSNL a new lease of life. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, R. (11 February 2016). It is time to redefine net neutrality. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Srikanth, T.K. (23 January 2016). A watchdog for the WhatsApp economy? Hindu Business Line.
Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (12 January 2016). Needed, a national fibre optic network, Mint.
Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (10 January 2016). There’s a fog over net neutrality. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Srikanth, T.K. (24 December 2015). App Streaming: A paradigm shift in mobile apps. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Raja, S.R. (16 December 2015). Imprisoned in the box. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Nair, Pradeep. (30 November 2015). Product thinking? Why is it a secret sauce for the IT industry?. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Prasad, R. (26 November 2015). The savior of broadband in India. Financial Express.
Bubna, A., Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (07 November 2015). How the spectrum game is played. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Raja, S.R. (14 October 2015). Roti, kapda aur makan: the startup story.
Sridhar, V. (8 October 2015). How app-based taxis are advantageous. Deccan Herald.
Sridhar, V. (24 September 2015). Be free of call drops, tune in to FM radio. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (21 Sep 2015). Eat, Pray, Acquire. Economic Times. Sridhar, V. and Prasad, R. (19 Aug 2015). Spectrum sharing: Catching the call drops. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V. and Prasad, R. (19 Aug 2015). Unlicensed spectrum holds key for broadband revolution in India.
Sridhar, V. The meaning of India’s second IT boom. (18 Aug 2015). Hindu Business Line.
Kumar, Krishna., and Sridhar, V. (24 July 2015). Getting set for the app economy. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., Srikanth, T.K. (July 2015). Telco-OTT, a symbiotic relationship?. Voice & Data, 66-67.
Prasad, R., Sridhar, V. (July 2015). Unlicensed spectrum holds key for broadband revolution in India.
Sridhar, V., Srikanth, T.K. (5 June 2015). For a win-win alliance in Telecom. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, R. (2015). How complex is Net Neutrality. Oxford University Press blog.
Sridhar, V., Srikanth, T.K. (23 March 2015). Internet of masses. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., Venkatesh, G. (17 March 2015). A differential calculus. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V., Srikanth, T.K. (13 January 2015). Who is liable in platform business? Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (December 2014). State of the Net: challenges and opportunities for telcos in India.
Sridhar, V., Srikanth, T.K. (January 2014) Domesticity: Handsets, applications, equipment, and software.
Sridhar, V., Manjunath, D. (December 2014). Fueling the Net Neutrality debate: OTT vs Telcos.
Sridhar, V., and Haidary, Anees. (December 2014). Project Management Lessons in Outsourced Product Development. Manage India (a publication of Project Management Institute India).
Sridhar, V., and Venkateswaran, R. (12 December 2014). Emergency! Take the call. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V., and Prasad, R. (29 November 2014). Auction spectrum bands in one go. Business Line.
Srikanth, T.K., and Sridhar, V. (24 November 2014). There is ever widening supply-demand gap for semiconductors. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Prasad, R. (24 November 2014). Why should Google and Facebook escape?. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (4 November 2014). Leveraging India Post for rural inclusion. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Sridhar, Kala Seetharam. (22 October 2014). This Nobel Laureate can help Telecom. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V. (18 October 2014). Why Skype is skipping India. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Prasad, Rohit. (9 October 2014). Bridging India’s spectrum deficit. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (22 September 2014). State owned, but efficient. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Kokkinen, Heikki. (15 September 2014). Defence must vacate spectrum for wireless broadband. Financial Express.
Manjunath, D., and Sridhar, V. (11 September 2014). Needed, a law to push Smart Data Pricing. Economic Times.
Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (August 2014). The public trust doctrine in spectrum. Voice & Data, 55.
Vembu, Dorairaj., and Sridhar, V. (18 August 2014). ICTs and smart cities. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. & Prasad, R. (12 August 2014). A step forward in spectrum sharing. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V. (5 August 2014). Heads it’s Flipkart; Tails it’s Amazon. Economic Times.
T.K. Srikanth, and Sridhar, V. (July). Universal mobile broadband in the offing. Economic Times Blog - Telecom tête à tête
Vembu, Dorairaj., and Sridhar, V. (7 July 2014). Connected cars and their impact. Financial Express.
Venkatesh, G., & Sridhar, V. Apple after Steve Jobs. Economic Times Blog - Telecom tête à tête
Sridhar, V., and Kishore, K. (May 2014). How Internet radio could be the next big thing.
Sridhar, V. (May 2014). Why telecom matters for the new government. Economic Times Blog - Telecom tête à tête.
Kumar, Shailendra., and Sridhar, V. (22 May 2014). Watch TV in a whole new way. Financial Express
Sridhar, V., & Swami Krishnan. (April 2014). Partnerships to ponder in the Internet space.Economic Times Blog - Telecom tête à tête.
Kudaithur, P., and Sridhar, V. (31 March 2014). Agile in India: A status check. DataQuest, 64-65.
Kishore, K. and Sridhar, V. (3 April 2014). Luring TV subscribers with online media services. Financial Express.
Kishore, K., Sridhar, V. (April 2014). Google’s Chromecast set to disrupt the gaming industry.
Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (26 March 2014). Revamp wireless administration. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., & Swami Krishnan. (March 2014). How are Internet companies different from Telcos. Economic Times Blog - Telecom tête à tête.
Srikanth, T.K., and Sridhar, V. (11 March 2014). Two-Sided Markets and Platforms: the theory behind the new-age startups in India,
Krishna Kishore, and Sridhar, V. (6 March 2014). Pluggable devices are here to stay. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Swami Krishnan. (January 2014). Hottest Telecom trends for 2014. Voice & Data, 21(1), 32-33.
Anurada, C.S., and Sridhar,V. (6 December 2013). An alternate education. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and Swami Krishnan. (2 December 2013). Top Ten Mobile Tech Predictions for 2014.
Kala Seetharam Sridhar, and Sridhar, V. (27 November 2013). Telecommuting is the way to go. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Goswami, K (15 November 2013). Human Cloud – The emerging paradigm in outsourcing. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and G. Venkatesh. (5 November 2013). Weighing Twitter’s worth. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., Venkatesh, G. (11 October 2013). Where Android scores over Linux. Hindu Business Line.
Goswami, K. and Sridhar, V. (2 October 2013). End to End Solutions for SMEs. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V. Nokia: (1 September 2013). Nokia: Tribute to a giant. DataQuest; also appeared in September 2013 issue of Voice & Data.
Mehta, R. and Sridhar, V. (27 September 2013). The next frontier for telcos. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V., and G. Krishna Kumar. (24 September 2013). Realizing India’s broadband dream. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. and Muralikrishnan, G. (August 2013). Welcome to the new era. Voice & Data.
Kishore, K., Sridhar, V. (9 August 2013). Time to refurbish the idiot box. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. and Prasad, R. (6 August 2013). Nothing wrong with spectrum sharing. Business Line.
Sridhar, V. and Venkatesh, G. (26 July 2013). The Dot Com survivors. Business Line.
Muralidharan Alagar and Sridhar, V. (10 June 2013). Crash control, Financial Chronicle.
Sridhar, V. (30 May 2013). The power of N=all, Review of the book titled “Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think”, Business Standard.
Sridhar, V. (17 May 2013). Paisa-fication of data. Business Line.
Sekhar, Richa, Kothandaraman, Swaminathan & Sridhar, V. (6 May 2013). Estimation in software projects: Is it an art or science? Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., & Raja, S.R. (5 May 2013). The app store battle. Business Standard.
Sridhar, V. (12 April 2013). Open up to open standards. Business Line.
Kishore, Krishna., and Sridhar, V. (7 March 2013). A potential solution to cable digitization. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V. (5 March 2013). Maximizing spectrum revenue. Business Standard. Sridhar, V. (4 March 2013). DoT makes a bad call, again. Business Line.
Jayasuriya, Vanitha, Bhashyam, Narasimha & Sridhar, V. (25 January 2013). Rich Communication Services: An opportunity for Telcos”. Business Line.
Ravi, TVS., Sridhar, V. (31 January 2013). The story of Indian ERDs DataQuest.
Kala S Sridhar, Sridhar, V. (14 January 2013). India’s New Year revolution. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., and Manjunath, D. (12 December 2012). Massively open online education.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, R. (3 January 2013). Rise of the telecom phoenix: Liberal spectrum policy, other reforms will revive the sector. Economic Times.
Venkatesh, G., Sridhar, V. (16 Nov 2012). Real time disruption. Business Line.
Amar, R.G., Sridhar, V. (15 November 2012). Embracing the “Agile” approach. DataQuest
Saxena, S., Sridhar, V. (27 Oct 2012). Going local on wireless broadband How about developing an indigenous 4G handset for Rs 3,650 in 365 days?. Business Standard.
Sridhar V. (20 Oct 2012). Untangling the spectrum pricing knot. Financial Express.
Sridhar, V., G. Venkatesh. (19 Oct 2012). Keeping the Internet open. Business Line.
Sridhar, V., D. Manjunath. (9 Oct 2012). The Internet is ringing. Economic Times.
Sridhar, V., Buchi, C. (Sep 2012). Is Wi-Fi offloading really good?. Voice & Data, 82-83.
Sridhar, V., S.R. Raja. (7 Sep 2012). The changing landscape of mobile platforms. Hindu Business Line.
Sridhar, V., G. Krishna Kumar. (July 2012). Free Roaming – at what cost? Voice & Data.
Sridhar, V., and D. Manjunath. (17 July 2012). For a dynamic spectrum regime. Economic Times.
Jhunjhunwala, A. and Sridhar, V. (4 May 2012). Don't kill the golden goose. Indian Express.
Sridhar, V,, and Venkatesh, G. (30 Apr 2012). The Mobile Platform Wars: A 2-Sided Market View, DataQuest, 58-60.
Sridhar, V., and Krishna Kumar, G. Dialling Progress. Financial Chronicle,Feb 28, 2012
Collaborations in IT: Trouble Shared is Trouble Halved. DataQuest, Feb 29, 2012, 54-56. (with Selvaraj, V., & Ravindra, H.S.)
Telecom Policy for the future. Economic Times, Feb 17, 2011.
Wireless broadband for rural health services. Financial Express, Jan 3, 2012 (with Arunabha Mukhopadhyay)
ERP: Transcending Boundaries. DataQuest, Dec 15, 2011, 60-66 (with Ravindra, HS., and Selvaraj, V.)
For Telecom sense today. Economic Times, Oct 21, 2011 (with G Krishna Kumar)
A Primer on Project Management. Business Line, Sep 19, 2011 (with Ramakrishnan, L., and Selvaraj, V.)
Telecom policy lags practice. Economic Times, Sep 7, 2011. (with G Krishnakumar)
iCloud, a new ballgame for Apple. Business Line, Aug 8, 2011. (with Subhash P)
Rail safety is badly off track. Business Standard, July 30, 2011. (with Balasubramanian, S., Sridhar, V, and Raman, C.S.)
Mobile Internet: Indian Telecom Leading the Way, DataQuest, July 15, 2011 (with Heikki Hämmäinen)
The Risks of Coming Home. Business Standard, June 18, 2011 (with Kala Seetharam Sridhar)
A Spectrum of uses, Business Line, June 6, 2011 (with Thomas Casey)
10-Point Agenda for New Telecom Policy, Economic Times, May 21, 2011 (with Swami Krishnan)
Threat to Walled Garden, Business Line, April 4, 2011 (with Subhash P)
Getting new caller tunes for BSNL, Financial Express, March 9, 2011 (with G Krishna Kumar)
Budget ’11: Subsidise Tech R&D, Economic Times,February 16, 2011 (with G.Venkatesh and Kala Sridhar)
Where’s the Tablet Headed, Business Line, January 24, 2011 (with Subhash P and SR Raja)
Changing world order in IT, Telecom, Economic Times, Jan 10, 2011 (with Rajiv Mody)
Economic Geography Matters. Economic Times, Nov 16, 2010 (with Kala Sridhar and G. Venkatesh)
A tech substitute for city travel. Economic Times, Sep 23, 2010 (with Kala Sridhar and G. Venkatesh)
Will e-Readers improve the adoption of e-books in India? Business Standard, Sep 20, 2010 (with Subhash, P and Siddharth Gaekwad)
Can BWA disrupt 3G services? Economic Times, Sep 8, 2010 (with G. Venkatesh)
One Paisa Revolution. Financial Express, Aug 4, 2010 (with Kala S Sridhar)
What’s in store for Mobile Telecom? Business Line, June 28, 2010 (with G. Venkatesh)
Towering Inferno. Economic Times . May 3, 2010 (with Rohit Prasad)
Mobiles for delivery of public services. Economic Times. Apr 29, 2010 (with Rajendra Ratnoo)
India should leapfrog to 4G. Economic Times. Mar 17, 2010 (with Pramod Pagare)
Gravy train stops at app platform, Economic Times. Mar 1, 2010 (with G. Venkatesh)
Are our cities ready for e-Governance, Jan 7, 2010 (with Kala Seetharam Sridhar)
What’s missing?. Business Line, Jan 4, 2010 (with S.R. Raja)
Caveats of Falling Mobile Charges. Economic Times, Oct 27, 2009 (with G. Venkatesh)
The M in learning. Business Line, Oct 5, 2009 (with G. Krishna Kumar)
Let the traffic flow. Business Line, Sep 14, 2009 (with G. Venkatesh).
Telecommunication Partnerships to Ponder, Economic Times, Sep 9, 2009
Information Security : Of Human(e) Vulnerability, DataQuest, June 30, 2009.
Mobile Unlimited. Economic Times, June 22, 2009 (with Siddharth Gaikwad)
Be your own Phone Exchange. Business Line, June 1, 2009 (with G. Venkatesh)
Learning from China: India Needs to Establish Large Universities of International Standards. Business Standard, May 31, 2009 (with Kala Seetharam Sridhar)
Need to Balance Products and Services. Economic Times, May 16, 2009 (with Selvaraj Vadivelu)
Femtocell: A Possible Way out of Spectrum Crunch, SmartTechie, April 2009 (with Pramod Pagare),
Will 3G Make Biz Sense?. Deccan Herald, Mar 16, 2009 (with Krishna Kumar).
Regulatory Dilemma over VoIP. Economic Times, Mar 4, 2009.
3G Delay Hurting the Economy. Economic Times, Feb 9, 2009 (with Rohit Prasad).
Improve Quality in Mobile Services. Economic Times, Dec 3, 2008 (with Minesh Sheth).
Move Over to Foundations & Alliances. Economic Times, Sep 10, 2008 (with S R Raja).
New Frontier of Telecom Policy. Mint, August 14, 2008 (with Rohit Prasad).
The Next Big Mobile Wave. Economic Times, July 16, 2008 (with S R Raja).
Spectrum Policy too narrowly Focussed. Economic Times, June 1, 2008 (with Rohit Prasad).
Are Operators Hoarding Spectrum. Economic Times, May 19, 2008 (with Rohit Prasad).
3G Policy will Drive up 2G Prices. Economic Times, April 5, 2008 (with Rohit Prasad).
Blossoming Telecom Partnerships. Economic Times, March 26, 2008.
Changing Landscape of IT Industry. Economic Times, February 15, 2008
Plethora of Document Standards. Economic Times, January 18, 2008.
Spectrum Peace Formula. Economic Times, December 19, 2007 (with Rohit Prasad).
Regulatory Flip-flops in Telecom. Economic Times, November 28, 2007 (with Rohit Prasad).
How should Spectrum be Allocated? Economic Times, November 6, 2007.
For a Contestable Mobile Market. Economic Times, November 2, 2007. (with Rohit Prasad).
Mobile Competition: Fewer the Better. Economic Times, September 12, 2007. (with Rohit Prasad).
How much should 3G services be opened up? Economic Times, July 24, 2007.
Diversify the Wavelengths. Financial Express, July 6, 2007.
Reservations on TRAI’s reserve Price. Economic Times, March 27, 2007 (with Rohit Prasad).
Convergence: Evolution & Challenges. Business Standard, March 20, 2007.
3G Auction: TRAI must try again. Economic Times, February 14, 2007 (with Rohit Prasad).
Too Many Cracks to Slip Through. Financial Express, January 3, 2007.
Don’t try nailing Jelly to the Wall. Financial Express, December 19, 2006.
Catching up with China in Mobiles. Economic Times. December 16, 2006.
To Allocate Spectrum, Study Real Estate. Financial Express, September 29, 2006.
Mega Telecom Partnerships. Financial Express, September 12, 2006.
How much do you pay as Telecom Taxes? Financial Express, August 25, 2006.
Should Local Loop be Unbundled? Economic Times. July 17, 2006.
A Battle of Widths. Financial Express, July 6, 2006.
Furthering Competition on Long Distance Service. Financial Express, June 28, 2006.
Spectrum Conundrum. Financial Express, May 16, 2006.
Phishing in Troubled Waters. Financial Express, May 8, 2006 (With Gaurav Gauri).
Passwords The Buzzword. Economic Times. May 4, 2006.
Tatas blink on Idea. Financial Express, April 11, 2006.
Interconnect Before One India. Business Standard, March 27, 2006.
Govt Operators Should be Hauled up as well. The Financial Express, March 13, 2006.
Challenges for Growth in the IT Landscape. The Financial Express, February 4, 2006.
Link Spectrum Allocation to Actual Traffic Generation. The Financial Express, January 3, 2006.
Are you Blo(a)ck Listed? Economic Times. December 1, 2005.
The substitution effect on Access Deficit Charge. Business Line. December 1, 2005 (with Kala Seetharam Sridhar).
Telecom Operators can collaborate to compete. The Financial Express, November 23, 2005 (with Prashant Saran).
Saturation Threat in Mobile Services. Business Standard. October 31, 2005.
How should NLD be opened up? Implement Unified Licensing Regime. Economic Times, October 17, 2005
More may not be merrier… The Financial Express, October 11, 2005
Empower the Regulator. Economic Times, September 22, 2005.
Making VPN Services Cost-Effective for Users. Business Line, August 19, 2005.
Can we beat the S-curve syndrome? The Financial Express, August 2, 2005
Virtual Border Crossings. Economic Times, July 18, 2005 (with Dhruv Nath).
How much should a 3G license cost?, Business Line, July 12, 2005.
How can we bridge the ICE gap?, The Financial Express, June 24, 2005.
New Wave in Software Off-Shoring, Economic Times, June 7, 2005 (with Dhruv Nath).
Insurance Against Security Attacks, The Financial Express, March 21, 2005.
IT: Look for Competitive Advantage, The Financial Express, March 11, 2005.
Future of Security-Bundled Windows, The Financial Express, February 28, 2005.
Bill your software low, Steve!, The Financial Express, January 31, 2005.
Upwardly Mobile Till Saturation Point is Reached, The Financial Express, December 9, 2004.
ILD Turning Grey. The Financial Express, October 14, 2004.
FDI vs Security. The Financial Express, September 7, 2004.
For B-schools, IT is not ‘core’. The Hindu Business Line, August 11, 2004.
Network Externalities in Telecom. Economic and Political Weekly, August 7, 2004.
Getting a Fix on Growth. Voice & Data, Volume 11, Issue 1, July 2004 (with Sangeeta Bharadwaj).
For a New Telecom Mantra. The Hindu Business Line, July 1, 2004.
Local Loop Unbundling: A New Dimension in Telecom Competition. The Hindu Business Line, June 11, 2004.
Info Security Blanket has People Holes. Economic Times, May 31, 2004.
Competitive advantage in telecom - Beam them stronger and clearer. The Hindu Business Line, April 29, 2004. (with Piyush Jain)
How to survive malware attacks. The Hindu Business Line, March 3, 2004.
How can IT be sustainable? Business Standard. February 20, 2004.
The Politics and Economics of CAS. Business Standard. January 28, 2004. (with Kala Seetharam Sridhar)
The Death of Distance. DataQuest, December 31, 2003, 74-78 (with D.K. Mohapatra)
Is telecom fit for mega mergers? Economic Times, December 22, 2003.
Is it the Deathknell for Landlines? Economic Times, November 15, 2003.
e.. on Campus. Economic Times, October 27, 2003 (with Abhineet Nayak & Vinayak Samant).
The Next Generation of Internet Addresses. Business Standard, October 22, 2003.
Don’t Blame The Regulator. Economic Times, September 24, 2003.
EPABX: To Select, Zero In … Voice & Data, Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2003, 58-63 (with D.K. Mohapatra and A.K. Srivastava).
Tariff Forbearance for Competition, Economic Times, May 19, 2003.
Can P2P go beyond music piracy?, The Hindu Business Line, May 11, 2003.
Internet: Performance Needs an All-Round Effort, Voice & Data, Volume 9, Issue 10, April 2003, 90-92 (with D.K. Mohapatra and Piyush Jain).
Time to get going in right direction, Economic Times, May 1, 2003 (with Vivek Gupta).
Gung-Ho about Gigabit, Voice & Data, Vol: 9, Issue: 8, February 2003, pp. 117-118.
Will Instant Messenger become a business tool soon?, Economic Times, February 6, 2003.
Wi-Fi, the Wireless Alternative, The Hindu Business Line, January 7, 2003.
M-commerce: Is it all hype? Economic Times, November 7, 2002.
Too few or too many? Economic Times, November 5, 2002.
Can BSNL dance to competitive tunes? The Hindu Business Line, October 18, 2002.
Calling New York cheaper than dialing Delhi? The Hindu Business Line, September 13, 2002.
W(i)ll the battle ring in results. The Hindu Business Line, August 19, 2002.
Collaborative Curiosity. Economic Times, July 29, 2002.
Levering up India’s Teledensity. Economic Times, May 14, 2002.
More Fibre than we can digest?. Economic Times, April 27, 2002.
IS Security: Affordable and Robust. Voice & Data, Vol:8, Issue: 8, February 2002, 96-98.
Self-regulation in the Telecom Sector?. Economic Times, January 8, 2002.
Security Solutions: Be Holistic, Buy Best. Voice & Data, Vol:8, Issue:7, January 2002, pp: 92-97 (with Ravikiran Bhandari)
The choice element in Internet Telephony". Economic Times, Dec 21, 2001.
Give indigenous technology a chance. Economic Times, November 15, 2001.
The Elusive Last Mile in Telecommunications. Bracing for Tomorrow, A Response Feature of the Times of India, Lucknow, Nov 6, 2001, pp: 7-11. (with Piyush Jain).
Cellular: The better deal? Voice & Data, Vol:8. Issue:2, August 2001, pp: 69-70 (with Ashish Saxena).
The CPP versus MPP Debate. Economic Times, July 10, 2001. (with A. Saxena)
Finding a way out of the limited mobility imbroglio. Economic Times, June 4, 2001.
VSNL: A golden goose or a lame duck? Economic Times, April 17, 2001.
Budget rings a weak tone for Telecom. Economic Times, March 6, 2001.
E-Business Consulting: The Birth of an Industry. Voice & Data, Vol:7, Issue:9, March 2001, pp: 124-125. (with Ameya Kamat).
Will the bandwidth bandwagon move along? Economic Times, January 25, 2001.
Can cellular oligopoly be sustained? Economic Times, January 12, 2001.
Create FDI-friendly conditions in telecom. Economic Times, December 11, 2000.
Implementing PKI: Passport to a Safer E-Business Environment. Voice & Data, Vol:7, Issue:6, December 2000, pp: 59-60. (with Arjun Ramdas and Shashank Rathi).
Can India leapfrog in telecommunications? Economic Times, November 6, 2000.
Convergence is the Key to Future Growth. In Bracing for Tomorrow: A Response Feature. The Times of India, Oct 15, 2000, pp: 9-11.
Security on the Internet. In Bracing for Tomorrow: A Response Feature. The Times of India, Oct 15, 2000, pp: 16-19 (with Sushil K. Sharma).
How much should a call to the US cost? Economic Times, September 8, 2000.