Refereed Publications
Prasad, Rohit., Sridhar, V., Kedia, Mansi. (Accepted). Functional separation and a restructured licensing framework for Indian Telecommunications. Vikalpa: The journal for decision makers.
Upreti, Arvind., Sridhar, V. (2024). Effect of automation of routine and non-routine tasks on labour demand and wages. IIMB Management Review.
Sridhar, V., Lohani, B., Parthasarathy, B., Mudliar, P. (2024). Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, DOI: 10.1108/DPRG-04-2024-0066
Mitra, Anuradha., Sridhar, V., Sarangi, Gopal. (2024). Analysing Spectrum Administration for 5G in India using a policy Delphi. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries.
Prasad, R., Sridhar, V. (2024). From Net Neutrality to Digital Neutrality: 5G Networks and beyond. Economic & Political Weekly. LIX(26&27). 52-56.
Upreti, Arvind., Sridhar, V. (2024). Assessing the Effect of Task Automation in Labor Markets: Case of IT Services Industry. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society.
Mitra, Anuradha., Sridhar, V., Sarangi, Gopal. (October 2024). Net Neutrality and 5G in India- a policy Delphi survey. Law, State and Telecommunications Review. 16(2), 31-47.
Prasad, Rohit, Sridhar, V. (2023). The integrated sphere of coopetition of digital services and the regulatory approach of diagonal equity. Telecommunications Policy.
Mitra, Anuradha., Sridhar, V., Sarangi, Gopal. (2023). Way leaves, rights of way and ducting policies for 5G mobile network deployment in India using international best practices. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance.
Prasad, Rohit, Sridhar, V. (2023). 5G and Beyond: Formulating a Regulatory Response. ICRIER and Vodafone Idea Centre for Telecom (InVICT). Available here.
Malik, P., & Sridhar, V. (2023). Workshop on Startup Ecosystem and Competition. Competition Commission of India Journal on Competition Law and Policy, 3, 173–194.
Mitra, Anuradha., Sridhar, V., Sarangi, Gopal. (2022). Spectrum Administration for Mobile Services in India: Need for a Regime Change. Journal of Information Policy.
Prasad, Rohit., Aeron, Prageet., Sridhar, V. (2022). New determinants of spectrum price in a 5G world. Applied Economics.
Gupta, Shagufta., Ghosh, Poulomi., Sridhar, V. (2022). Impact of Data Trade Restrictions on IT Services Export: A Cross-Country Analysis. Telecommunications Policy.
Upreti, Arvind, Sridhar, V. (2022). The Dynamics of Task Automation and Worker Adjustment in Labour Markets: An Agent Based Approach. Advances in Complex Systems.
Dhamange, Prachi., Soni, Sarthak, Sridhar, V., Rao, Shrisha. (2022). Market Dynamics and Regulation of a Crowd-Sourced AI Marketplace. IEEE Access.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, Rohit. (2021). Analysis of Spectrum Pricing for Commercial Mobile Services: A Cross Country Study. Telecommunications Policy. (can be viewed for a limited time at: ).
Sridhar, V., Girish K, Badrinarayan M. (2020). Analysis of Crowdsourced Data for Estimating Data Speeds across Service Areas of India. Telecommunication Systems. DOI: 10.1007/s11235-020-00736-z
Sridhar, V., Vadivelu, Selvaraj. (2020). Satellite phone development through an off-shore, outsourcing partnership: Client and Vendor Experiences. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. DOI: 10.1177/2043886920951199
Potluri, Sai Rakshith, Sridhar, V., Rao, Shrisha. (2020). Effects of Data Localization on Digital Trade: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. Telecommunications Policy. 44(9). Also Available in SSRN at:
Nandakishore, K.N., Sridhar, V., Srikanth, T.K. (2020). Key Quality of Service Attributes of Digital Platforms. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems. 30(1), 94-119.
Sridhar, V. (2019). Building a High Technology Product out of India: The Intelli-Fi way. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases.
Sridhar, V. (2018). Gaming Robosoft Way: A Global Tech Start-up from a Small Town in India. Asian Business Case Centre. Case No: ABCC-2018-034. Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Sridhar, V. (2018). Vistaar lends itself to small businesses. Asian Business Case Centre. Case No: ABCC-2018-029. Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Sridhar, V., Selvaraj, V. (2017). Management of Outsourced Satellite Phone Development Project: Sasken’s Experience. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. DOI: 10.1057/s41266-017-0019-1.
Prasad, R., Sridhar, V., and Bunel, A. (2016). An Institutional Analysis of Spectrum Management in India, Journal of Information Policy, 6, 252-293.
Yadav, V., Adya, M., Nath, D., and Sridhar, V (2016) "Considerations for Effective Requirements Analysis in Offshore Software Development Projects: Lessons from Multi-method Research," Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 39, Article 11.
Mani, S. and Sridhar, V. (19 December 2015). Diffusion of Broadband Internet in India: Trends, Determinants and Challenges,
Economic & Political Weekly, L(50), 54-62. Basaure, A., Sridhar, V. and Hämmäinen, H. (2016). Adoption of dynamic spectrum access technologies: a system dynamics approach. Telecommunication Systems. 63(2), 169-190, DOI 10.1007/s11235-015-0113-7.
Sridhar,V. (December 2015). Two-Sided Markets, Platforms and their impact on Economy. Fourth CUTS-CIRC Biennial Competition, Regulation & Development Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 12-13 December 2015(Selected as one of the best 3 papers for presentation in the session on Competition Reforms as a Tool for Public Welfare).
Sridhar, V., and Prasad, R. (December 2015). A techno-economic study of Wi-Fi adoption in India. 2nd Regional International Telecommunications Society Conference, New Delhi, 13-15, December 2015.
Mani, Sunil., and Sridhar, V. (December 2015). Diffusion of Broadband: Growth models and comparison across countries. 2nd Regional International Telecommunications Society Conference, New Delhi, 13-15, December 2015.
Basaure, A., Kokkinen, H., Hämmäinen, H. and Sridhar, V. (Septermber 2015). Flexibile Spectrum Management: Approaches for India. Telecom Business Review, 8(1), 1-9.
Sridhar, V., Prasad, R., A techno-economic study of non-exclusive sharing of radio spectrum for mobile services and associated policy implications. X Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, 3-5 August 2015.
Prasad, R., Sridhar, V. (27 June 2015). Net Neutrality to digital dynamism. L(26), 19-22. Economic & Political Weekly.
Prasad, R., Sridhar, V. Unfinished tasks in the liberalization of spectrum for mobile services. Economics & Political Weekly. L (13), 46-52.
Prasad, R., Sridhar, V. (19 Apr 2014). The Economics of Net Neutrality. XLIX (16), 52-58.
Venkatesh, G., and Sridhar, V. (January/ February 2014). Mobile-First Strategy for MSMEs in Emerging Markets. IEEE IT Pro, 58-61.
Yadav,V., Adya,M., Sridhar, V., and Nath, D. (2013). Control, Process Facilitation, and Requirements Change in Offshore Requirements Analysis: The Provider Perspective.Journal of Information Technology, Theory and Application. 14 (3), 30-47.
Saha, D., Sridhar, V. (2013). Platform on Platform (PoP) model for meta-networking: A new paradigm for networks of the future. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 9(1), 1-10.
Sridhar, V., Casey, T., and Hämmäinen , H. (2013). Flexible Spectrum Management for Mobile Broadband Services: How does it vary across Advanced and Emerging Markets? Telecommunications Policy Special Issue on Cognitive Radio, 37, 178-191.
Sridhar, V., Casey, T., and Hämmäinen , H. (2012). Systems Dynamics Approach to Analyzing Spectrum Management Policies for Mobile Broadband Services in India. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 8(1), 37-55.
Rameshkumar Ramanujam and Sridhar, V. (2012). VyapaarSEWATM – A Business Service Platform for Improving the Livelihood of Rural Women Self-Help Groups. In Proceedings of the Sixth annual workshop on Wireless Systems: Advanced Research and Development - WISARD 2012. Bangalore, India, Jan 3-4, 2012 (978-1-4673-0298-2/12@2012 IEEE).
Saha, D., & Sridhar, V. (2011). Emerging Areas of Research in Business Data Communications. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 7(4), 53-60.
Sridhar, V., & Prasad, R. (2011). Towards a New Policy Framework for Spectrum Management in India, Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier), 35, 172-184, DOI: 10.1016/j.telpol.2010.12.004.
Sridhar, V. & Selvaraj Vadivelu. (2011). Challenges in Developing Products for an Advanced Mobile Market: Sasken’s Experience. Asia Case Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, Case Reference No: 07/329C.
Sridhar, V. (2010). An Econometric Analysis of Mobile Services Growth Across Regions of India. Netnomics (Springer), 11(3), 205-220, DOI: 10.1007/s11066-009-9041-6.
Sridhar, V. (2010). Challenges of Information Security Management in an R&D Services Company: Case of WirelessComSoft. Journal of Cases in Information Technology, 12(2), 18-31. Adjudged as the Best Published Journal Article in the Journal of Cases in Information Technology in the year 2010.
Van Slyke, C., Lou, H., Belanger, F., and Sridhar, V. (2010).The Influence of Culture on Consumer-Oriented Electronic Commerce Adoption. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 11(1), 30-40.
Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (2009). Allocative Efficiency of the Mobile Industry in India and its implications for Spectrum Policy. Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier), 33 (9), 521-533, DOI: 10.1016/j.telpol.2009.06.001.
Sridhar, V., Nath, D., and Malik, A. (2009). Analysis of User Involvement and Participation on the Quality of IS Planning Projects: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Organizational End User Computing, 21(3), 80-98.
Yadav, V., Adya, M., Sridhar, V., and Nath, D. (2009). Flexible Global Software Development (GSD): Antecedents of Success in Requirements Analysis. Journal of Global Information Management, 17(1), 1-31. Also reprinted in Amant, K. (Ed.). IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, 2404-2436.
Prasad, R., & Sridhar, V. (September 20, 2008). A Critique of Spectrum Management in India. Economic & Political Weekly, September, 13-17.
Nath, D., Sridhar, V., Adya, M., and Malik, A. (2008). Project Quality of Off-Shore Virtual Teams Engaged in Software Requirements Analysis: An Exploratory Comparative Study. Journal of Global Information Management, 16(4), 24-45. (Also reprinted in Tiako, P. (Ed.) Software Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (Ch: 5.20), Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Global International, 2115-2136.
Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (2008). Optimal Number of Mobile Service Providers in India: Trade off between Efficiency and Competition. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 4(3), 69-81. Also reprinted in Taniar, D. (Ed.). Mobile Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (Ch: 6.12), Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Global International, 2306-2322.
Adya, M., Nath, D., Sridhar, V., and Malik A. (2007). Bringing Global Sourcing into the Classroom: Lessons from an Experimental Software Development Project. Communications of the Association of Information Systems (CAIS). 22(2), 33-48.
Sridhar, V. & Ahuja, D.K. (2007). Challenges in Managing Information Security in Academic Institutions: Case of MDI in India, Journal of Information System Security. 3(3), 52-79.
Sridhar, Kala & Sridhar, V. (2007). Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Growth: Evidence from Developing Countries. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 7 (2), 37-56.
Sridhar, V. Malik, A. (2007). Turning Copper in to Gold: Bharti Airtel’s Fixed Line Service in India. Asia Case Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, Case Reference No: 07/329C. Also available through Harvard Business Publishing (Product Number: HKU 674).
Sridhar, V., Ravi, P., Nath, D., and Kapur, K. (2007). Analyzing Factors that Affect Performance of Global Virtual Teams. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Management of Globally Distributed work (ICMGDW) 2007. July 25-27, 2007. Bangalore, India, 159-169.
Yadav, V., Nath, D., Adya, M., and Sridhar, V. (2007). Investigating an Agile-Rigid Approach in Globally Distributed Requirements Analysis. In Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Asia International Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2007. July 3-6, 2007, Auckland, New Zealand.
Sridhar, V. (2007). Analysis of Inter-Regional Mobile Services Growth in India. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Telecommunications Techno-Economics (CTTE) 2007. June 14-15, 2007, Helsinki, Finland.
Prasad, R., & Sridhar, V. (June 9, 2007) Spectrum Allocation Mechanism for 3G Mobile Services. Economic & Political Weekly, 42(23).
Adya, M., Nath, D., Sridhar, V, & Malik, A. (2007). Bringing Global Sourcing into the Classroom: Experiential Learning via Software Development Project. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMIS-Computer Personnel Research Conference, St. Louis, Missouri USA, April 19-21, 20-27.
Sridhar, V. (April 2007). Growth of mobile services across regions of India. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research. 66, 281-289.
Sridhar, V. (2006). Modeling the Growth of Mobile Telephony. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective. 10(3), 1-10.
Sridhar, Kala. & Sridhar, V. (June 24,2006). Telecommunications and Growth: Causal Model, Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence. Economic & Political Weekly, 2611-2619
Nath, D., Sridhar, V. & Malik, A. (2005). Effectiveness of the Two-Phase Software Off-Shoring Model. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Management of Globally Distributed Work, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India, December 28-30, 159-170.
Sridhar, V. & Bharadwaj, S. (2005). Modeling the Growth of IT Enabled Services in India. In Proceedings of the Third Annual International Conference on Information Science, Technology & Management (CISTM) (electronic, ISBN:0-9729562-8-X), Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India. July 24-26, 2005.
Sridhar, V. & Park, J.S. (2005). An Approach to Solving Survivable Capacitated Network Design Problem. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 1(2), April-June, 1-17.
Edwards, K., & Sridhar, V. (2005). Analysis of Software Requirements Engineering Exercises in a Global Virtual Team Setup. Journal of Global Information Management, 13(2), April-June, 21-41. Also reprinted in Tan, F. (Ed.), Global Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Chapter 2.7, 587-605.
Van Slyke, C., Belanger, F., & Sridhar, V. (2005). A Comparison of American and Indian Consumers Perceptions of Electronic Commerce. Information Resources Management Journal, 18(2), April-June, 24-40.
Dutta, A., & Sridhar, V. (2004). Prospects of M-Commerce in Developing Countries. Annual Review of Communications, Volume 57, 337-341.
Van Slyke, C., Lou, H., Belanger, F., & Sridhar, V. (2004). The Influence of Culture on Consumer-Oriented Electronic Commerce Adoption (2004 Best Paper). In Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Information Systems, Savanna, Georgia, U.S.A., February 27-28, 310-315.
Sridhar, V., & Jain, P. (2004). The Elusive Last Mile to the Internet. Annals of Cases on Information Technology, 6, 540-560.
Sridhar, Kala & Sridhar, V. (2003). The Effect of Telecommuting on Suburbanization: Empirical Evidence. The Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 33 (1), 1-25.
Jain, P. & Sridhar, V. (2003). Analysis of Competition and Market Structure of Basic Telecommunication Services in India. Communications & Strategies (Special issue on “ICT Market Dynamics and Market Development in Asia”). 52, 4th Quarter, 271-293.
Sridhar, V., & Bhasker, B. (2003). Managing Information Security on a Shoestring Budget. Annals of Cases on Information Technology, 5, 151-167.
Dutta, A., & Sridhar, V., (2003). Modelling Growth of Cellular Services in India: A Systems Dynamics Approach (co-authored with Amitava Dutta). Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), Big Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, U.S.A., January 6-9.
Edwards, K., & Sridhar, V. (2003). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Global Virtual Teams in Software Engineering Projects (co-authored with Keith Edwards). Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), Big Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, U.S.A., January 6-9.
Belanger, F., Sridhar, V., & Van Slyke, C. (2002). Comparing the Influence of Perceived Innovation Characteristics Across Countries. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research, Montreal, Canada, October 23-27.
Sridhar, V., & Park, J.S. (2000). Benders-and-Cut Algorithms for Fixed-Charge Capacitated Network Design Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 125(3), 2000, 622-632.
Sridhar, V., Park, J.S., & Gavish, B. (2000). LP-Based Heuristic Algorithms for Interconnecting Token Rings via Source Routing Bridges. Journal of Heuristics, 6 (1), 2000, 149-166.
LeBlanc, L., Park, J.S., Sridhar, V., & Kalvenes, J. (1996). Topology Design and Bridge Capacity Assignment for Interconnecting Token Ring LANs: A Simulated Annealing Approach. Telecommunication Systems, 6, 21 - 43.
Park, J.S., & Sridhar, V. (1997). Probabilistic Model and Optimal Reorganization of B+ Tree with Physical Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 9 (5), 826-832. (with J.S. Park).
Sridhar, V. (1998). Analysis of Telecommunications Infrastructure in Developing Countries. Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems 1998 Americas Conference, Baltimore, August 14-16.
Sridhar, V., Park, J.S., & Gavish, B. (1996). Survivable Topology Design of Interconnected LANs Using Source Routing Bridges, In Proceedings of the First INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Washington D.C., May 5-8.
Park, J.S., & Sridhar, V. (1993). Optimal Interconnection of Token Ring Networks Using Source Routing Bridges. In Proceedings of the Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Telecommunication systems, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, February 28‑March 3.
Park, J.S., & Sridhar, V. (1992). Polyhedral Optimization Approach to Token Ring Interconnection. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the International Business Schools Computer Users Group (IBSCUG), Columbus, Ohio, July 19‑22.